Career Pathways for Accountants
So you’ve completed your accounting qualification and it’s time to enter the job market – but what career paths are available?…
So you’ve completed your accounting qualification and it’s time to enter the job market – but what career paths are available?…
During the epidemic, pay cuts and layoffs, which companies are still recruiting accountants? The appearance of COVID- 19 had completely changed the world’s economy. Unemployment, uncertainty, and confusion may describe the life of all walks of life. Let’s take a closure look at the recruiting situation during the pandemic. Pay cuts and layoffs overview •…
In this series “Job Seeking Post COVID-19”, Seed will guide you – the job seekers – through the way to enrich your knowledge, improve your skills and help you achieve your ultimate goal: to get a job in your desired industry. In part 2, we’ll tell you a secret to impress all the HR recruiter or employers out there in this 4.0 era: Making your CV become ATS-friendly….
Since 2011, the use of video interview has risen 49% in Australia and 6 out of 10 HR managers have used videos to interview candidates….
Webinar “How to Show your Personal Branding in an Interview?” will teach you about “The Art of Personal Branding”: How to present yourself uniquely and impressively when it comes to interview with the recruiter. How to master and tailor your Personal Branding to apply it on various occupations. And of course, how to “read” the…
Every year, when this “misunderstanding” unfortunately occurs, it is only in the process of processing the return request for tax refund that we realize that this often leads to a delay in the re-submission; if it is fully prepared at the beginning and does not need to be modified, it may be produce unexpected results. …
Capital gains tax (CGT) came into effect on September 20, 1985 and is a very important part of the income tax (Income Tax). In today’s topic of tax filing season, this article will briefly explain CGT and some of its exempt conditions. …
The Victorian government has developed an unprecedented economic survival package (Economic Survival Plan), which provides more than A$3 billion in support to businesses, employees and communities. …
What are the changes that Employees need to pay attention to in the Financial Year 2020-21? Early retirement pension, Work Test Change, Penalty Rates……
Recent major tax adjustments and issues made by the ATO during COVID-19 pandemic that we need to pay attention to including Individual Tax, FBT, GST….