Accounting job outlook


During the epidemic, pay cuts and layoffs, which companies are still recruiting accountants? The appearance of COVID- 19 had completely changed the world’s economy. Unemployment, uncertainty, and confusion may describe the life of all walks of life. Let’s take a closure look at the recruiting situation during the pandemic. Pay cuts and layoffs overview •…

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Final year students

Advices for Final- year students before graduate

Hey, final- year students, this is your last semester in University before stepping into the real world. It can be daunting with heavy workloads, and especially job seeking problem. No matter how hard it is, we came up with a few tips to get you through those challenges. Choose your path Some senior students are…

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International students survival tips

International students in Australia: Survival tips for freshmen

Being new to Australia? Freshmen, there are tons of things that International students can do in this country instead of sleeping or learning. Making use of this “honeymoon period with Australia” to create your own competitiveness in the future career. Explore Australia Australia is a beautiful country with a lot of breathtaking sceneries, ranging from…

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Practive vs.Private Accounting

Public vs. Private Accounting: Which One should I choose?

Public vs. Private Accounting – two main career areas within the Accounting professionals. Some people, even after completing their accounting degrees, don’t even know the differences between these two. As a result, they are quite ambiguous about which direction to take for their careers. By understanding the pros and cons of Public vs. Private Accounting,…

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PMP® vs CAPM®: What you must know

Project Management is defined as the practice of planning, controlling, initiating, executing and setting achievable goals for a team of experts. The global economy is becoming more project-oriented as the concept of project management is expanding to industries that use to be less project-oriented. Project management exists within multiple different industries, including Healthcare, Design, Construction,…

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